Speaking of stories...
The American Film Institute has put their years of experience working with K-12 students and teachers into a program hosted by Sean Astin called "Lights, Camera, Education!" It's been great fodder for my Digital Storytelling blog over on the Discovery Educator Network and I'm going to rely heavily on it for my two pre-conference workshops and "Makin' Movies" breakout sessions. I like AFI's emphasis on planning and teamwork (must be the old coach in me) and the fact that it is all applicable to any school subject. If you're a unitedstreaming subscriber, you have access to the video clips and the accompanying manual "The 21st Century Teacher's Handbook: Protocol and Materials Guide to the Screen Education Process." With or without access to the AFI program, I think every school has the potential to make use of the video editing software that comes with every computer to make learning come alive through digital storytelling.