IL-TCE 2008
The Blog for IL-TCE 2008: Learning Without Boundaries, is up and active. You can re-set your link to the new site; IL-TCE 2008
You may also join us on our NING site.
This is the official blog of the 2007 Illinois Technology Conference for Educators to be held March 1 and 2 at the Pheasant Run Conference Center. To post to this blog, please e-mail Luke Allen requesting to be added to the IL-TCE 2007 blog.
The Blog for IL-TCE 2008: Learning Without Boundaries, is up and active. You can re-set your link to the new site; IL-TCE 2008
Just posted - the IL-TCE 2007 podcasts.
Check out podcasts from the following keynote and spotlight speakers: David Pogue, Tim Wilson, Larry Anderson, and Jason Ohler.
Why is This Man Smiling?
Originally uploaded by luke1946.
This face is easily recognized by all the "Red Shirt" techies from IL-TCE! Let's see who has the best answer to the question.
And once again, a big thank you to one of the finest tech support teams ever assembled under one roof! It's your hard work and dedication that have helped make IL-TCE what it is today, one of the premier Educational Technology conferences in the entire midwest, if not the country!
This is a re-post of a previous entry which was altered when I changed some Flickr settings.
In case you haven't seen it yet, here is the new ICE logo, as featured at IL-TCE 2007. Look for it to start showing up on more and more ICE related items and sites.
An Education in Jokes - Pogue's Posts - Technology - New York Times Blog
Labels: David Pogue, iltce, iltce2007, PBKC
Wow! What a conference! I thoroughly enjoyed the sessions and keynotes I attended. My favorite experience was David Pogue's preconference digital photography workshop. I don't think I've ever laughed so much while learning.
Labels: global awareness, iltce, iltce2007
The Conference photo group on Flickr is growing! As of today we have 427 photos in the group and 53 members who are able to upload to the group. If you have pictures from this year's conference, or from previous years, that you'd like to share, then be sure to join the IL-TCE Group and keep those pictures coming! Remember, Flickr is free to join.
After all these cold and snowy days, it's hard to believe summer will ever get here.
This year, I presented a full day pre-conference session on Technology connections in Literacy*, attended Karen Thompson's Digital Tools Wednesday session (I am a return attendee to her sessions from past years) and spent Friday at the General Conference day. I was able to see the conference from many different sides. I am not trying to score any brownie points here with Brian (he is my ed tech director), but I honestly have to say that from every aspect - tech support, organization, content - the conference was first rate. Many hours of hard work went into the planning and implementation of this week and it showed. Kudos to all on the committee...
Each year after the end of the conference I reflect on how things went this past week. But first I take one night to unwind with my family, catch up on mail and laundry, watch those favorite TV shows I missed that were recorded on the DVDR, and sleep in on Saturday morning. So now after a day of relaxing, unpacking, and vegging out, I'm thinking about all the people I connected with, the new ideas that are spinning in my head to take back to my district, and how incredible the conference turned out thanks to so many wonderful volunteers and presenters. I still have blogs to read, digital handouts to view, podcasts to listen to and of course can't wait to read the compiled suggestions in the evaluations so we can make next year even better. The numbers don't lie, so I know which sessions were your favorites, but I'm glad we were able to provide a variety of sessions for everyone. So even those rooms where presenters only shared with a few, those few learned something new. It's all about the learning and sharing. I hope some of you that attended this year will consider submitting a proposal to present next year with the projects and ideas you will be taking back to your schools!! Thanks again to everyone who attended and everyone who worked to make IL-TCE 2007 the best ever. Let's keep this blog going for awhile to share all that we experienced. If everyone shares one new idea, website, or tip here on this blog, everyone will have learned and shared even more. Which session was your favorite and why?
That was the headline in my Daily Herald this morning. I thought maybe they were talking about IL-TCE, but the picture of the sobbing basketball players told me different. People (usually fellow committee members and tech staff) often ask me what my job is with the conference and I am just as often tempted to answer "chief compliment collector." From the two keynoters, to the spotlighters, to the attendees and the vendors all I heard were wonderful things (except for the weather!) On a scale of 10 Dr. Larry Anderson gave us a 35 and one of his patented "It's aaaall goood!"
What a treat to attend the opening keynote in a ROBE!! It was a great presentation and thanks to ICE for making it happen. It was fun to see Joe, Charlene and Karen Thompson walking across the room. Of course, most special was 'being there' as Charlene accepted her well deserved award.
Keynote speaker Dr. Ohler spun his tale well. His delivery was outstanding as he kept the audience's attention through a very animated presence. While keeping his act lively, he was able to deliver very pertinent content. He was more than entertainment on a stage to get people motivated.
Attending the ICE conference in St. Charles, IL and having a chance to talk with other educational technology educators I am even more convinced that we need to continue to plant seeds and water them. What does that mean? Rather than giving up when a new idea isn't embraced right away we need to think of how to get others thinking about a new idea, provide related information, relate it to best practices and look for other schools already implementing such an idea. I was a technology coordinator but now I am a technology coach. The difference is that I now concentrate on staff and students and not boxes and wires. We have other staff members who do that so I can focus on my passion of helping students and teachers discover how to use technology in meaningful ways to support learning. Schools need support staff to help with troubleshooting, managing servers, installing software and workstations. Schools also need technology coaches to assist staff members in using technology in meaningful ways once the hardware and software is ready to use. If you think this is important and want to plant that seed, Jamie McKenzie has a wonderful site discussing the coach.
Labels: Technology Coach
Today was the first IL-TCE general conference day and you could just feel the energy and excitement in the air ! We broke all attendance records today with 1600 attendees and an additional 350-400 exhibitors and volunteers -- 2000 people! It was wonderful - everywhere you went there were people talking excitedly about how great our keynote speaker, David Pogue, was. People were checking schedules for breakouts, visiting vendors (great idea to have cookies and coffee in the afternoon), and making plans to have lunch or dinner with colleagues perhaps not seen since last year.
Congratulations to ICE for a great day of learning. It was fascinating to see all the excitement and discussion being thrown around by attendees. I witnessed some very excited members who were talking feverishly about new ideas they were going to incorporate into their classes.
During my presentation on Apple's Global Awareness initiative, I demonstrated how one can chat with people around the world using iChat. I used iChat and Ecamm's Conference Recorder to make a movie of this chat. Click on the title of this blog post to see the video !Thanks, Ken, for making a special appearance at our conference!
Labels: ADE, global awareness, iChat
If you missed David Pogue... you missed a great kick off. Congratulations to the conference for a great start!
Alright, you're coming to IL-TCE 2007, you have your digital camera close at hand and you're taking pictures like crazy to help you remember the experience. Now you have an opportunity to share those memories with other conference attendees, presenters and exhibitors. Join the IL-TCE group on Flickr. All you need to do is register for a free account, upload your photos. Then join the IL-TCE group and send the photos to the group. It's that easy! If you would like an invitation to the group just send me an email ( and I'll get it out to you.
With the help of several volunteers and committee members, and after several of us received minor paper cuts, requiring band aids (Thanks Beth!), over 2500 tote bags were stuffed today with special flyers, the 2007 exhibitor guide and the 2007 conference brochure. These will be available to attendees starting at the Wednesday night Kick Off reception. Volunteers in their white and blue IL-TCE volunteer shirts will be available throughout the conference to help direct attendees and answer questions, and man the ICE survey stations. Consider getting involved and help make it all possible!
Dear Conference Attendee:
Be sure to check out Joe Brennan's post on the Discovery Educator's Network blog for Digital Storytelling... Jason Ohler, Digital Humanist!
Labels: volunteers
The American Film Institute has put their years of experience working with K-12 students and teachers into a program hosted by Sean Astin called "Lights, Camera, Education!" It's been great fodder for my Digital Storytelling blog over on the Discovery Educator Network and I'm going to rely heavily on it for my two pre-conference workshops and "Makin' Movies" breakout sessions. I like AFI's emphasis on planning and teamwork (must be the old coach in me) and the fact that it is all applicable to any school subject. If you're a unitedstreaming subscriber, you have access to the video clips and the accompanying manual "The 21st Century Teacher's Handbook: Protocol and Materials Guide to the Screen Education Process." With or without access to the AFI program, I think every school has the potential to make use of the video editing software that comes with every computer to make learning come alive through digital storytelling.
At IL-TCE 2006, keynote speaker David Warlick challenged educators to begin telling a new story. As educators, we have a responsibility to “observe, reflect and talk to each other… talk in the community and publish.” Emerging twenty-first century tools, such as blogs, wikis and podcasting, provide powerful technologies to transform practice and enable learners to communicate and collaborate with each other.
For more information on making the most of your IL-TCE 2007 conference experience, please download our new IL-TCE 2007 Survival Guide at:
Here's a preview of IL-TCE 2007 workshop and keynote presenter David Pogue. I don't think he's bringing a piano with him, but hey, maybe he'll take requests if we find one at Pheasant Run! :)
The full schedule which includes over 200 General break out sessions, Exhibitor sessions and Poster sessions will be available online after January 8, 2007. Attendees will be able to search the site to locate sessions by Conference Strand, Target Audience, Grade Level Focus, Skill Level, Illinois Standards Addressed, and computer platform targeted. Presenters will be notified of the time and room they are presenting and other important presenter details by email after January 1, 2007. Workshops are filling up quickly. Don't miss out on the opportunity of participating in full day workshops on Tues and Wed and the new half-day workshops being offered on Thursday during the General conference day. Advanced registration is required for all workshops, as seating is limited.
Volunteers are needed:
Now on Flickr...the IL-TCE Photo Group! If you'd like to join this group you must do two things. First, sign up for a free Flickr account. If you have a Yahoo account, you can use the same id and password for Flickr.
Registration is now open for IL-TCE 2007. Workshops sometimes fill up quickly, so take a look at all the great choices. New this year will be half-day workshops on Thursday, March 1st. You must pre-register for all workshops, so register early to get your first choice.
The committee has been reviewing all proposals according to the scoring rubric. We received so many great proposals that unfortunately not all sessions will be accepted due to a limited number of available rooms. Lead Presenters should receive acceptances and contracts via email the first week of November. Contracts will be due by December 9th. A wait list will be started in case presenters are unable to commit to the conference. There is still time to submit Poster Session proposals. The complete conference schedule will be available after January 1st.
Keep an eye out over the next few weeks for the IL-TCE Pre-conference brochure to be mailed to your schools or homes. Keynote and Spotlight Speaker information is already available online. Registration will open online after Nov. 1st. Check out the fabulous full day workshop offerings for Tues, Feb 27th and Wed Feb 28th. New, this year, half day workshops on Thursday, March 1st. The full schedule will be available online after January 1st.
If you were a contributor to last year's blog and your Blogger profile contained an email link, then you have already been sent an invitation to be a member of this year's blog as well.